Tuesday 26 June 2018

The Muslim Woman: Her Status in the Ummah

The status of the Muslim woman in Islam is a very noble and lofty one, and her effect is very great in the life of every Muslim. Indeed, the Muslim woman is the initial teacher in the building of a righteous society, providing she follows the guidance from the Book of Allah and the Sunnah of His Prophet Sallallahu 'Alayhi Wa Sallam. Since adherence to the Quran and the Sunnah distances every Muslim male or female from being misguided in any matter.

The misguidance that the various nations suffer from, the path of Allah the Most Perfect, the Highest, and from what His Prophets and Messengers, may Allah's peace and prayers be upon them all, came with. The Prophet Sallallahu 'Alayhi Wa Sallam said: "I am leaving behind two matters, you will not go astray as long as you cling to them both, the Book of Allah and my Sunnah."

The great importance of the Muslim woman's role - whether as a wife, sister or daughter, and the rights that are due to her and the obligations due from her have been explained in the noble Quran, and further details of this have been explained in the purified Sunnah.

The secret of her importance lies in the tremendous burden and responsibility that is placed upon her, and the difficulties that she has to shoulder. In terms of responsibilities, some of which not even a man can bear. This is why from the most important obligations upon a person is to show gratitude to the mother, and kindness and good companionship with her. And in this matter, she is to be given precedence over and above the father. Allah the Highest, says:

"And We have enjoined upon man to be dutiful and good to his parents. His mother bore him in weakness upon weakness and hardship upon hardship, and his weaning is in two years. Show gratitude and thanks to Me and to your parents. Unto Me is the final destination." [Al-Quran 31:14]

Allah the Highest, said: "And We have enjoined upon man to be dutiful and kind to his parents. His mother bears him with hardship, and she brings him forth with hardship. And the bearing and the weaning of him is thirty months." [Al-Quran 41:15].

A man came to Allah's Messenger Sallallahu 'Alayhi wa Sallam said: O Messenger of Allah! Who from amongst mankind warrants the best companionship from me. He replied: "Your mother." The man asked: Then who? So he replied: "Your mother." The man asked: Then who? So the Prophet replied again: "Your mother." The man then asked: Then who? So he replied: "Then your father." So this necessitates that the mother is given three times the likes of kindness and good treatment than the father.

As regards the wife, then her effect in making the soul tranquil and serene has been clearly shown in the noble aayah (verse), in His - the Highest's - saying:

"And from amongst His Signs is this: That He created for you wives from amongst yourselves, so that you may find serenity and tranquility in them, And He has put between you love and compassion. Indeed, in this are signs for those who reflect." [Al-Quran 30:21]

Al-Haafidh Ibn Katheer (d.774H) - rahimahullaah - said, whilst explaining the terms mawaddah and rahmah which occur in the above verse. "Al-mawaddah means to love and affection, and ar-rahmah means compassion and pity since a man takes the hand of a woman either due to his love for her or because of compassion and pity for her; by giving to her a child from himself..."

And the unique stance that the Prophet sallAllahu 'alayhi wa sallam's wife Khadeejah - radiAllahu 'anhaa - took, had a huge effect in calming and reassuring Allah's Messenger sallAllahu 'alayhi wa sallam, when the angel Jibreel - 'alayhis-salaam - first came to him in the cave of Hiraa. The Prophet sallAllahu 'alayi wa sallam returned to Khadeejah with the first Revelation and with his heart trembling and beating severely, saying to her, "Cover me! Cover me!" So she covered him until his fear was over, after which he told Khadeejah - radiAllahu 'anhaa - everything that had happened, and said: "I fear that something may happen to me." She said to him: "Never! By Allah! Allah will never disgrace you. You keep good ties with relations, you help the poor and the destitute, you serve your guests generously and assist those who have been affected with calamities."

And do not forget about 'Aaishah - radiAllahu 'anhaa - and her immense contribution. Even the eminent Sahaabah (Companions) used to take knowledge of Hadeeth from her, and many of the Sahaabiyaat (female Companions) learnt the various rulings pertaining to women's issues from her.

And I have no doubt that my mother (may Allah shower His mercy upon her) had a tremendous effect upon me, and has a great excellence over me, in encouraging me to study, and she assisted me in it. May Allah greatly increase her reward and reward her with the best of rewards for what she did for me. And there is no doubt also, that the house in which there is kindness, gentleness, love, and care, with the correct Islamic tarbiyah (education and cultivation) will greatly affect the man. So he will become, if Allah wills, successful in his affairs and in any matter whether it be seeking knowledge, trading, earning a living, etc. So it is Allah alone that I ask to grant us all success and to guide us all to that which He loves and is pleased with. And may the prayers and peace of Allah be upon our Prophet Muhammad, and upon his Family, his Companions, and his followers.

If you are ready for Hajj or Umrah this year, so please contact us without any hesitation and choose cheap packages for Hajj and Umrah. Call us for any query ***0203 9170 999***

source: islamicstudies.islammessage.com

Thursday 21 June 2018

Teens and Social Media

Social media has become an obsession, plaguing today’s generation of teenagers. At gatherings with friends or family, teenagers are more likely to spend their time on their phones than to pay attention to the people they are actually with at the moment. Many may wonder why social media appeals so much to adolescents. Well, there are actually many factors that go into it.

Teens and Social Media

It is well known that teenagers are easily influenced. They are especially influenced by their peers. More often than not, teenagers try their best to fit in with the social norm. Most teenagers feel pressured to stay updated on the constantly changing ‘trends’ of society. Social media provides teenagers with the opportunity to explore what is ‘cool’ and new in fashion, sports, technology, TV shows, films, and every other aspect that a teenager would find interesting. Therefore, teens are drawn to social media in order to feel ‘relevant’ and up-to-date with all the new trends, and thus, feel validated.

Validation is a major reason that social media is so addicting to teenagers. Since teens are easily influenced by their peers and feel pressure to fit in, they are often in search of validation or acceptance. Social media platforms such as Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat, and the like, help teenagers feel validated with the amounts of likes, retweets, or comments they get on their posts. When a teenager uploads a photograph that gets many likes or compliments, they feel validated. The more photos they upload, the more likes and comments they get, the more addicted they become. The cycle goes on and on.

Lastly, the reason that makes social media most addictive is that it provides instant gratification. Recent studies show that this generation, especially, has been proven to be the most reliant on instant gratification. Being born in a world where almost everything is readily available, due to the many new technologies, has shaped this generation into becoming very dependent on instant gratification. Consequently, they rely on the instant pleasure they receive from chatting with their friends online, feeling validated through different social media platforms, and watching hours and hours of pleasurable Youtube videos. It’s no surprise teenagers have become so lazy!

With that said, social media is not inherently evil. There are many ways in which social media can be used to benefit society and adolescents. With all the new technologies and websites, one can easily learn new languages, discover new innovations, help others cope with personal issues, build their spirituality, and explore new talents. Like everything else, there is a good side and a bad side to social media. Pick the right one, and it can be the path to success.

The following is a compilation of some awesome apps that have many benefits, and are an excellent alternative to the social media apps that just drain students’ time without much-added benefit.

Quizlet helps students practice and master any subject they are learning. Students and teachers can create and share online learning materials. Quizlet is one of the most popular online educational services in the United States. Quizlet offers tools for students to make flashcards, practice spelling, play learning games, test their knowledge, collaborate with other students, and more.

My Fitness Pal can help you become healthier, get fit, and lose weight, healthy way. Fad diets do not and they are bad for your health. The optimal way to lose weight is to watch what you eat, make the right choices, and exercise; My Fitness Pal helps in these three areas. It is a free application that helps you keep track of your diet and exercise. My Fitness Pal determines the best caloric intake for you and it counts your daily calorie intake, and also the level of important nutrients in your foods. Users can either scan the barcodes of various food items or manually add them in the database of over five million different foods.

Khan Academy is a free educational application that was created by educator Salman Khan with a goal of creating a set of online tools that help educate students. The organization produces short lectures in the form of YouTube videos for almost every grade level in every academic subject.

Duolingo is an excellent language-learning application. Duolingo offers 68 different language courses across 23 languages, with 22 additional courses in development. The app has about 200 million registered users across the world. Teens could take advantage of such fun ways to learn languages. Duolingo provides written lessons and dictation, with speaking practice for more advanced users.

Qur’an Reader is a paid app in which you’ll be able to read the Qur’an comfortably on your iPhone. It offers a lot of features to read or even listen to the Qur’an on the go.

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source: saudigazette.com.sa

Wednesday 20 June 2018

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), the Father and Husband

Although Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) carried the world’s weight of responsibility on his shoulders, calling people to Allah and teaching Islam, he (peace be upon him), valued family and cared deeply about his family members. To learn how women are viewed in Islam or how women should be treated, one is to look at the Prophet (peace be upon him), and how he interacted with his daughters, wives, and the women in his community.

Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) loved his daughters dearly and he never made them feel marginalized or unimportant because they were women, or because they were daughters not sons. He loved his daughters, took pride in them, and he was never ashamed to show his affection towards them in public.

Although the youngest of his daughters, Fatima had always been a source of comfort, support, and strength for her father in those early difficult days in Makkah when the men of Quraysh scorned and hurt the Prophet (peace be upon him). She was never intimidated or afraid to defend her father in public, and he never reprimanded her for her strength and outspokenness when it came to speaking the truth and defending justice.

After the Prophet (peace be upon him) and his family migrated to Madinah, Ali bin Abi Talib, the Prophet’s cousin asked for Fatima’s hand in marriage. Although the Prophet (peace be upon him) approved of Ali, he consulted with Fatima to make sure that she consented to the marriage. He never forced any of his daughters into marriage against their will.

Whenever Fatima visited the Prophet (peace be upon him), he would stand up for her to greet her and give her his place to sit. She, in turn, would kiss his forehead. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) loved Fatima and he loved her sons, and he was often seen kissing and playing with his grandsons. He (peace be upon him) was kind and gentle with his family.

When the Prophet (peace be upon him) was preparing for the Battle of Badr against the disbelievers of Quraysh, the Prophet’s daughter, Ruqayyah fell ill. The Prophet (peace be upon him) asked her husband, Uthman bin Affan to remain with Ruqayyah to tend to her and care for her, rather than leaving her and participating in this extremely decisive battle. Uthman obeyed the Prophet and stayed with his wife during her illness, and she died later in the month before the Muslim army returned to Madinah from the Battle of Badr.

In his entire life, Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) never struck or even raised his hand to hit a woman or a child, ever.

When calling his daughter or wife, he chose beautiful nicknames to make them feel special. He called Fatima Al-Zahraa, meaning the shining one. He called Aisha, his wife, Al-Homairaa, due to her red, rosy cheeks.

After the death of Khadijah, Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) remarried, and Allah gave special permission only to the Prophet to marry nine wives, and each marriage was for a very specific reason. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) respected each of his wives, treated them justly, listened to their grievances and opinions, and cared about their feelings. No matter what ordeals he may have been going through outside the home, he always took the time to talk to his wives, console them, and show them that he loved them.

The Prophet (peace be upon him) was sensitive to the feelings of his wife, Aisha. He recognized when Aisha was upset, what upset her, what made her sad, and he tried to cheer her up.

Aisha reported that Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) once said to her, “I know well when you are angry or pleased with me.” I said, “How do you know that?” He replied, “When you are pleased you say ‘By the Lord of Muhammad’ but when you are upset, you say ‘By the Lord of Abraham.’” I said, “Yes, I do not desert except your name.” (Sahih Al-Bukhari)

That is our Prophet, making light of an agitated situation, making his wife smile when she is upset.

In the home, he helped with household chores. Aisha, his wife, stated, “He always joined in household work and would at times mend his clothes, repair his shoes, and sweep the floor. He would milk, tether, and feed his animals and do the household shopping.” (Sahih Al-Bukhari)

Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) respected his wives, acknowledged the wisdom of the women in his life, and went to them for advice.

When a group of Muslims along with the Prophet (peace be upon him) trekked to Makkah intending to perform the pilgrimage, Quraysh prevented them from proceeding. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) signed the treaty of Hudaibiyah and Quraysh promised to allow the Muslims to perform the pilgrimage the following year. Some of the companions disagreed with the terms of the treaty and they were disappointed that they were unable to perform the pilgrimage. When Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) instructed them to shave their heads and discard their pilgrimage clothes and return to Madinah, at first the companions did not follow the Prophet’s instructions.

Umm Salama, the Prophet’s wife, was intelligent and she advised the Prophet to go out in front of his companions and have his head shaved. She figured that if they saw him shaving his head, they would follow his actions, and that would be better than simply telling them to do so. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) took Umm Salama’s advice, and she was right.

In Madinah, the women of his community complained to the Prophet (peace be upon him) that the men spent more time with him and they learned directly from him, and the women wanted to learn and they had questions to ask. The Prophet (peace be upon him) assigned a day of every week for the women to gather for a lecture at his mosque, and he would give them time to ask their questions.

The Prophet (peace be upon him) even knew and appreciated the woman who had no place but the mosque to live and she was responsible for the cleaning and upkeep of the masjid. One day, he noticed she was not at the masjid; he was concerned so he asked his companions about her. When they told him she died at night, he asked why they had not informed him. He asked where her grave was so he could offer the funeral prayer for her.

The Messenger of Allah did not swear, cuss, use profane language, curse others, or spread obscenity. The Prophet’s character can be summarized in the eloquent verse in the Holy Qur’an which describes him, “You are of the highest noble character.” (Chapter 68, verse 4)

It is no wonder why his wives, his daughters, his companions, and his servants loved him so much, more than they loved their own souls.

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source: saudigazette.com.sa

Tuesday 19 June 2018

Umrah Visa Additional Fees

Umrah Visa Additional Fees by the Saudi Government

Umrah is the Islam’s Non- obligatory pillar and the minor Pilgrimage which every Muslim desire to do once in his life. Many of the people were affluent enough to do it every year but some of them rarely manage to perform the holy trip. Recently in 2016 in the month of August, the Saudi government had announced an increment in the Umrah visa fee from the starting of the Islamic year 1437 which has been implemented.

This increases the pilgrimage anxiety among the pilgrims because many of them hardly afford to make a trip on the sacred land. In many countries, the gambler agents are active who have been overcharging SR 2,000 from pilgrims even in the cases where they are not required to make this payment.

To avoid being a prey of such wagering, we can upgrade you about how you can make it certain whether you have to pay or not or how much you have to pay. You can also check online if they need to pay SR 2,000 to stamp Umrah Visa.

The scheme introduced by the Saudi government regarding Umrah visa fee of SR 2,000 is that you are not supposed to pay the extra fees money you are performing one Umrah in one Hijri Year. During the time period of one year, if one is planning to do Umrah more than once, then the pilgrim has to pay an additional amount of SR 2,000. However, if you are planning to do Umrah in the next new month like Muharram that is the first month of the Islamic year, then one does not have to pay the additional settled amount. Rumors about the waiving of the Umrah visa fees are also circling in the industry.

If you want to check online about the paying procedure or either you have to pay or not or how much you have to pay, then we will make it easy for you by our this article. An online site that you can approach 24/7 is launched by the Saudi government and Saudi Ministry of Hajj with which you can easily check if you are required to pay SR 2,000 Umrah visa additional fee at any point in time. Along with the additional Umrah visa fee, a fee of finger prints is taken by the pilgrims that are 5 dollars. According to new Hajj policy, some of the countries’ pilgrims have to give their finger prints that would be intended to perform Umrah and will be collected by Etimad that is Saudi authorized body. The validity of finger prints is three month and if you don’t take the chance to go to the holy land, then after three months you have to again give finger prints and of course will be charged again.

The app that will make you able to check your status in regards to paying can be downloaded by your android mobile phone by app store for Umrah services. A step by step procedure how to check your paying of Umrah visa fee is here endeavored to you by the site if British Haj Travel Ltd so that you can easily check what you want to know regarding your trip fee.

First of all, open the link of Hajj services available at the site of Ministry of Hajj and many other religious sites working for the Umrah trips.

For checking it, you have to enter your passport number, enter your nationality and enter the image code in the required blocks.

Once you have submitted the data correctly, then just enter the submit button for the procession of information.

After submission, a new screen will appear, where you can see if you need to make payment of additional fee of SR 2,000 as Umrah visa fee. If you have to pay then it shows to pay but if not, then a sentence will appear written saying “not requires making payment for Umrah visa.”

The new revised schedule of paying was then given by the Saudi government on 2nd October 2016 stating that the Umrah visa for the first time to perform Umrah is free however, if one intends to perform Umrah for the second time in the same year, then he or she has to pay an additional amount of SR 2,000. Multiple entry individuals require paying SR 3000 for visa validity for 6 months, SR 5000 visa validity for 1year and SR 8000 for visa validity for 2 years.

Source: travelforumrah.co.uk

Monday 11 June 2018

Seeking repentance: Killing two birds with one stone.

To err is human, to forgive is divine. This well-known adage clearly points out that human beings by nature often tend to make mistakes and commit sins.

Islam, as a perfect religion, agrees to this truth as no man is perfect in this world.

Seeking repentance

As the Holy month of Ramadan gives us a strong and effective training to build a good character it is apt to reflect on the importance of seeking repentance.

“Truly, Allah loves those who turn unto Him in repentance and loves those who purify themselves”. — (Sura Baqarah 222).

Repentance helps believers kill two birds with one stone. When the forgiveness is accepted, they not only get relief free from bad deeds but also get merits for this unique act of worship.

The best among all people, Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) who is sinless, repented to Allah more than 70 times a day. Hence we should be hasty to genuinely seek repentance and forgiveness for all our mistakes, misdeeds and sins that are committed overtly or covertly.

Today, with the dominance of technology, some or a few of us can commit mistakes intentionally or otherwise.

With sincere repentance, one can simply forget his or her unpleasant past and turn over a new leaf as one who repents from sin is like one who has not sinned.

Allah, the Almighty, confirms the success that is given to those who sincerely repent:

“................. And beg Allah to forgive you all, Oh believers, that you may be successful.” (Surah An Noor- Verse 31)

There are several benefits that a repentant gets through this humble act of worship. It removes his guilt, fills the heart with happiness, brings the repenting person closer to Allah thus giving him the right path for eternal success.

The victim or the affected party also gets a relief when the offender asks forgiveness while restoring the latter’s right.

Islam is the perfect way of life that ensures every member of society — Muslim or non- Muslin, the rich or the poor, male or female —gets equal treatment and justice since it promotes peace and pluralism.

When a person goes astray, he is given the rare opportunity putting himself back on the right track. Repentance is the easiest step Allah has given to the believers. The doors of Allah are open for every one for repentance with three main conditions. They are:

1. Recognizing one’s sins and mistakes
2. Feeling ashamed of violating Allah’s trust of complete submissions to his commands
3. Making a promise never to repeat such bad behavior

British Hajj Travel Ltd provide cheap Umrah Packages from the UK

British Hajj Travel Ltd has launched Packages for Umrah with all-inclusive facilities. We offer them supreme services at low rates, as it understands. Economy Hajj, and other Hajj package also available with the best and cheap Hotels. Call Us for details *02039170999*

source: saudigazette.com.sa

Thursday 7 June 2018

Returning to the Holy Qur’an in word and practice

More than half of the blessed month of Ramadan has passed and we need to be wary of losing that initial fervor and energy we had at the beginning of Ramadan for reading the Qur’an and praying night prayers at the mosque.

Our pious predecessors used to anticipate Ramadan almost all year long and spend their time in worship and making supplication to ready themselves for Ramadan. For the six months before Ramadan, they would ask Allah to grant them long life so that they could witness Ramadan. And after Ramadan, for the next six months, they would ask Allah to accept their fasting and prayers in Ramadan.

The present-day trials and tribulations demands on our time, and also the temptations around us can detract from our spiritual growth this Ramadan.

The solution to protect our hearts and remain devoted to Allah is to turn to the Holy Qur’an and connect to the Word of Allah, according to the learned scholar, Shaykh Hamza Yusuf.

Have we integrated the Holy Qur’an into our daily lives by reading the Quran, learning it, studying its meanings, listening to its recitation in the home and the car, attending study sessions at the mosque and other learning centers?

In our Islamic tradition, scholars have transmitted that Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) has said that the Holy Qur’an is the strong, unbreakable rope that connects us to Allah, and it is a clear light and guidance. Its wonders never cease. The scholars will never be satiated from its meanings and the pious people will never tire or bore from reciting it.

In the Qur’an, there is healing, from both physical ailments and ailments of the heart.

As the following verse states, {And We send down of the Qur’an that which is healing and mercy for the believers.} (Chapter 17, verse 82)

The Prophet (peace be upon him) has recommended a number of tools that have medicinal properties which we must not belittle or neglect. Reading the Holy Qur’an while putting your hand on the ailing part of your body can promote healing. Honey, olive oil, and black seeds are also beneficial.

Ramadan is a time to bring back to life the tradition of relying on the Holy Qur’an for guidance, rewards, healing, and for achieving calmness and serenity.

As Allah, Himself has promised in the Qur’an, {Unquestionably, by the remembrance of Allah's hearts are assured.} (Chapter 13, verse 28)

The goal is not to simply read the Qur’an hastily or to compete in how many times we can read the entire Qur’an in Ramadan. The goal is also to understand and apply what we read, to improve our character, and to cultivate a year-long habit of reading and studying the Qur’an.

Return to the Qur’an and allow a certain amount of time each day to read a portion of the Qur’an. Some chapters are prescribed to be read more regularly than others. For example, it is recommended to read the chapter, Al-Khaf (The Cave) every Friday.

Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said, “Whoever reads Surah al Kahf on the day of Friday will have a light that will shine from him from one Friday to the next.” (Al-Jaami)

It was the practice of our pious predecessors to read Al-Waqiah (The Inevitable) every night after Maghreb prayers, and Al-Mulk (The Kingdom) every night after Ishaa prayers.

Moreover, if we were to practice in our lives what we read in the verses of the Qur’an, we could really transform our own character, and transform our societies.

Do not just rush over the verses, but apply the verses in your life, such as the following.

{And speak to people good [words] and establish prayer and give zakah.} (Chapter 2, verse 83)

How many social problems and friction in families could be avoided if we spoke kind words to one another, prayed our prayers, and helped those in need?

{Eat and drink but be not excessive.} (Chapter 7, verse 31)

If we could implement eating and drinking in moderation how many health problems could we prevent? Health professionals recommend eating and drinking moderately to prevent obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and cancers.

{And the servants of the Most Merciful are those who walk upon the earth easily [lightly]} (Chapter 25, verse 61)

One way of walking on the earth lightly is to decrease the environmental pollution we are contributing to.

So we can see how Ramadan is actually a school, in which we read the Qur’an and learn and train ourselves to grow spiritually and in other areas of our lives as well.

It may be more difficult for some; it could be a struggle for non-Arabic speakers to read the Holy Qur’an. But there is hope and optimism for those who find hardship in reading the Qur’an.

Aisha, the wife of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) narrated that he said, “Verily the one who recites the Qur’an beautifully, smoothly, and precisely, he will be in the company of the noble and obedient angels. And as for the one who recites with difficulty, stammering or stumbling through its verses, then he will have twice that reward.” (Saheeh Al-Bukhari)

For those who find it challenging to read the Qur’an, I hope they will persevere and they will receive double the rewards from Allah. Now, more than any other time is the season for reading the Qur’an because the good deeds for reading one letter of the Qur’an is not only 10, but can be multiplied to up to 700 times more.

The language was not a barrier for hundreds and thousands of students of the Qur’an from all countries across the world, who mastered reading and memorizing the Qur’an. Fatih Seferagic is Bosnian but he was born in Germany and moved to the United States when he was four years old. Arabic was not his native tongue, but he managed to memorize the Holy Qur’an and now teaches the Qur’an and leads people in prayer in mosques in the US. And for thousands like him, Allah makes it easy on those who have a sincere intention to pursue their studies of the Holy Qur’an.

British Hajj Travel Ltd provide cheap Umrah Packages from the UK

British Hajj Travel Ltd has launched Packages for Umrah with all-inclusive facilities. We offer them supreme services at low rates, as it understands. Economy Hajj, and other Hajj package also available with the best and cheap Hotels. Call Us for details *02039170999*

source: saudigazette.com.sa

Friday 1 June 2018

SR50,000 fine, 6-month jail for Umrah pilgrims overstaying their visas

SR50,000 fine, 6-month jail for Umrah pilgrims overstaying their visas

Umrah pilgrims who stay in the Kingdom after the expiration of their entry visas will be fined SR50,000 each and imprisoned for six months before deportation, according to the General Directorate of Passports (Jawazat).

It called on all Umrah pilgrims to adhere to their travel schedules and leave the Kingdom before the expiration of their entry visas.

The Jawazat said that those coming on Umrah visas are not allowed to travel outside Makkah, Jeddah, and Madinah.

It warned citizens and residents against transporting, employing, sheltering or hiding those with expired Umrah visas.

A General Authority for Statistics (GaStat) report issued on Tuesday said that 19,079,306 pilgrims performed Umrah in 2017.

The statistical report quoting the registered data of the Ministry of Haj and Umrah said that 6,532,074 Umrah pilgrims came from outside Saudi Arabia.

The GaStat Umrah statistics bulletin for 2017 also showed that Ramadan is considered a top season during which Umrah is performed by people from inside Saudi Arabia, as 53.6% of total pilgrims performed Umrah in the holy month of fasting.

source: saudigazette.com.sa