Wednesday 5 November 2014

Choosing Between Hajj and Marriage

Hajj is a holy pilgrimage and religious duty that every Muslim is bound to perform once in their life, if they are physically fit and have the meansto do so. However, sometimes people get stuck in a situation where they have to choose between Hajj and other important responsibilities. For instance a person got the opportunity to perform Hajj during this year, but his or her parents have already scheduled their marriage during the same time period.

In such a situationit is really difficult for a person to choose what they should give up. Hajj is a way for Muslims to show their solidarity and submission to Allah, while marriage is also one of the favourite deeds of Allah. In such scenarios, Muslims always seek help and British Haj Travel has always tried its best to sort their problems in the light of Quran and Sunna.

According to SunanIbnMajah, Ahmad, “Expedite the performance of Hajj. For nobody knows what may obstruct one.” It means that one should not lose the opportunity of performing Haj because they never know whether they will get another chance to perform the holy ritual or not. Sometimes doors never open again. Besides this, life is too short to wait for another opportunity.

Thus, one should take full advantage of good health and their youth, if they get a chance to perform Hajj. For the reason that Hajj is not just a spiritual and emotional experience, but this holy journey also tests your physical fitness too.

Above all, Haj releases a Muslim from all the sins that he or she had committed in their life. Also, it decreases their poverty too, as our Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) said, “Keep on doing Hajj and Umrah, because they both eliminate poverty and sins just like a furnace eliminates the dirty impurities of iron, gold and silver. And an accepted Hajj has no reward less than Paradise!” according to Tirmithi, Nisaa’i, Ahmad.

Therefore, one should give preference to Hajj over marriage unless they fear to commit Zina, if they do not get married. In this situation, marriage becomes an obligation for such a person before performing Hajj.

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